Dr. Silas Johnson has over 35 experience in pastoral, apostolic and mission ministries. He founded Full Counsel Bible Training Center in 1989 which later evolved into the Full Counsel School of Ministry, and eventually into Full Counsel Bible College in 2011. He is the Senior Pastor of Full Counsel Metro Church, North Little Rock, Arkansas and the apostolic overseer of the Full Counsel family of churches and the Full Counsel Ministerial & Missionary Association (FCMMA).
He possesses a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology/Psychology from Henderson State University, a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Central Christian University, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree in Counseling from Triune Biblical University.
Dr. Silas has an apostolic vision to bring the Word of Faith to the oppressed and to amalgamate of people from all racial and social groups into one body of believers. He has served as a trusted advisor to several major political leaders on the federal, state and local levels, and many of his contemporaries know him as a pioneering reformer in the community and the church.