

FCBC is proudly accredited by the United Accrediting Commission of Independent Colleges & Universities (UAC). UAC is affiliated with a number of churches and religious organizations, state colleges, universities, businesses, and some state agencies in the U.S. UAC has no affiliation with the U. S. federal government.

Explanation of Accreditation

It is not uncommon for specialized colleges, universities, or other educational institutions in the United States to obtain Accreditation from non-government entities. The two primary types of accreditation in the U.S are;
1. Insititutional Accreditation: typically by a national or regional association
2. Specialized Accreditation: typically by an independent association that recognizes a particular area of study.

It is not typical that a bible college or seminary, though offering multiple academic program levels, would receive accreditation on a national or regional level. For this reason, a number of accrediting agencies and entities have emerged over the years to fill the gaps of bible college and seminary accreditation, and recognize those specialized areas of institutional Biblical Academia and religious education.

The decision of any bible college or seminary to obtain accreditation is solely at the volition of the individual institution. There are many who look to accreditation as a formal validation of the academic caliber, educational quality, and/or professional reputation of an institution. However, it must be stated that, since pursuit of specialized accreditation is voluntary, the absence of accreditation may not necessarily reflect the educational quallity or academic caliber of an institution.

Other organizations or entities that require an accredited status of a bible college or seminary may choose to recognize or decline to recognize any specialized accreditation of a bible college or acknowledge the acredited status of that bible college based on their own internal policy. Please note that accrediting entities are legally equal, meaning one does not possess accrediting powers that are superior to another.

FCBC has no power to guarantee which organizations, insitutions, or other enities will accept transferable academic credits from FCBC, or will recognize and acknoweldge accredited degrees obtained from FCBC.

We can however attest that training, credits, and/or accredited degrees from FCBC have been recognized and respected in virtually every aspect of Christian ministry as well as other fields. Academic recognition is an ongoing development, and the administration, faculty, and staff of FCBC are committed to providing a quality and standard of education of which you can be proud, without compromising the biblical and theological integrity of the biblical Christian foundation. 


State Certification
Full Counsel Bible College has received a Letter of Exemption from Certification issued by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to offer church-related training courses and degrees. 







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